Workplace Well Being Programs * Corporate Training * Employee Talent Development * Organizational Development * Executive and Employee Coaching

We've spent that last decade helping business owners, leaders, and organizations create an environment where the promotion of employee development and well being is recognized as critical to overall success  in the 21st century.  Employers in today's economy understand that employee well being is more important to the success of their organizations than ever before.  They no longer see the  physical wellness of workers simply as a tool to manage healthcare costs.   Instead, employee well-being is recognized as integral and critical to organizational missions, goals, and values.  Creating a culture focused on employee well-being requires a fundamental  shift in how we measure the worth of employees.   Workplace well-being programs embrace a more holistic approach to employee health and satisfaction.  

Our programs and services include..... 

• Mindful Workplace • Social and Emotional Intelligence • Stress Management 

• Trauma and Resilience Training • Interpersonal Communications 

• Leadership Development • Executive Coaching 

We can help you create the engaged and productive culture you need in order to succeed. 

Christopher Griffin, M.A. in Industrial - Organizational Psychology, CWC (Certified Wellness Coach) CWWS, (Certified Workplace Wellness Specialist), Certified Diabetes Educator (CDC).